Playing in mom's workshop

I was born and grew up among threads, that smell of skin and glue, the sound of my mother's "Singer" (shoe-sewing machine), the "tac-tac" of the hammer that was heard in the street from different windows of the neighbors who also worked from home... Those moments when he taught us to sew with scraps and the laughter he gave us when we compared the stitching as "ses curves de Lluc" [a mountainous road with many curves that leads to the Monastery of Lluc in Mallorca], taught us that small details matter and that things done with attention and love are the ones that last.

I felt the need to change course, to return to my origin, to feel that illusion again, creating dresses for the dolls with the fabrics that she gave me or the new treasures that I found searching through drawers and different rooms of the house, it was quite a prize and
source of inspiration to change the use for which it had been intended.

This is how Savage Line was born, a project that combines passion for things made by hand, taking advantage of new technologies but always with the same goal: to make each item with love, respecting nature, prioritizing recycling, reusing and eliminating plastic , respecting the habitat and animals, being passionate about cats and enthusiastic about the jungle.

Goals and illusions that I hope to share with you and with each other, let's do our bit for a more sustainable environment because you can be #chicsavage naturally 😉